12 Things You Can Do While Facebook is Down

It's ok, we'll help you get through these tough times

1. See actual sunlight for the first time in days

2. Take your dog to the park with no distractions

Give him 100% of your attention, he might even fetch a ball for you

3. Take a long, relaxing, notifications-free bath

4. Try out a new look

Now, you could finally update your profile photo (That 4 year old photo from Mexico is getting REALLY old)

5. Finally clean your apartment

6. Have a messy snack that you don't need to photograph

On the other hand, we did not say that Instagram isn't working, did we?

7. Finally clean your computer screen

You probably haven't noticed how dirty it really was while Facebooking all day long

8. And that disgusting table!

Seriously, look at it from time to time!

9. Find old nick nacks around the house

Remember your old Pokemon card collection?

10. Forget all about your Facebook groups and look for a job!

Now you actually have time to WORK!

11. Ponder life

Has Facebook completely taken over everything?

12. Actually MEET your friends. In person!

What a concept. It will never work