5 of Nature's Most Dangerous Baby Wild Cats
Beware of these predators and their bite full of cuteness!!!

1. This Baby ocelot had just devoured it's first prey

This Baby ocelot had just devoured it's first prey

2. Baby tigers are known to be most dangerous during bath time

Baby tigers are known to be most dangerous during bath time

3. Watch out, San Diego Zoo trainer, this ferocious 8-month-old clouded leopard cub is ready to attack...

Watch out, San Diego Zoo trainer, this ferocious 8-month-old clouded leopard cub is ready to attack... WITH CUTENESS

4. Lucy, the fearsome panther, looking for a place to hide her fresh kill

Lucy, the fearsome panther, looking for a place to hide her fresh kill

5. And the most dangerous guy at the zoo

And the most dangerous guy at the zoo RAWR, I am the king (elephant for scale)


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